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Meet The Team

Glenn Tanoko

Glenn comes from an engineering background, designing and building boats in Holland, Glenn is our very own Tony Stark, bringing the technical angle to compliment our classic timber skill set.  Some say that with their rich nautical history, the Dutch build the finest boats... We reckon BEL does.


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Marty Arbuthnot

BEL boats was founded by Marty Arbuthnot and is named after his 3 daughters Bronte, Ella and Liv (the wife was a little upset that she did not get a mention).

Marty originates from Northern Ireland and comes from a strong family lineage of artesian shipwrights and master mariners, like his great Uncle Jim, who was a master carpenter for the first class cabins on the Titanic (not responsible for building the iceberg).

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Paul Mickeljohn

Paul Mickeljohn comes from the polar regions of Bonnie Scotland near Aberdeen. Paul's business and building expertise lies in final

fit-outs, timber finishes and his uncanny ability to woe us with his long book of dad jokes all day long! 

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There are many contractors and suppliers who help to turn the wheels of BEL boatyard, all of whom are like family and their work is always greatly appreciated.

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